
Homeschooling resources Alberta Education and Home Education Regulations

These listings are for your assistance. AHA does not endorse nor receive remuneration in cash or kind for listings. Please use at your own discretion.

Find A Supervising School Board

Homeschool Board List

board comparison


Homeschool Board Supervised Notification Form

Home Education Government Notification Only, No Funding, No Supervision Form

How to Fill Out The Supervised Notification Form

Sample Home Education Plan General Template

Alberta Programs of Study (APS Outcomes) Curriculum Summaries

Guidelines only - you do not have to follow these regardless of what you checked off on the notification form


Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

Grade 7

Grade 8

Grade 9

AB ED High School Courses

More Details on Each Grade and Subject

Curriculum Outcomes for Home Educators Grades K-12 that want to do their own programming

Please see the High School Page for High school course outcomes

Alberta Programs of Study (APS Outcomes) Full Detailed Targets

Grade 1-Entire APS Outcomes

Grade 2-Entire APS Outcomes

Grade 3-Entire APS Outcomes

Kindergarten-Entire APS Outcomes

English Language Arts K-9 Entire APS Outcomes

Math K-9 Entire APS Outcomes

Science K-6 Entire APS Outcomes

Social Studies K-6 Entire APS Outcomes

Sample Home Education Plan Templates

These plans are presented to give you an idea of how to plan your child's education year. You may follow the 1400 APS outcomes per grade as per the curriculum summaries above, or you may choose to follow the 22 Home Education SOLO outcomes as presented below.

TIP: Always choose to follow (check the box on the notification forms) the Home Education Outcomes as that gives you the most flexibility to dump what is not working and try new learning methods. Even if you plan to follow AB ED outcomes, checking the Home Ed Outcomes means that you will not be held accountable for following the AB ED outcomes.

Kindergarten Sample Education Plan - Just for ideas

Grade 1 Sample Education Plan

Grade 2 Sample Education Plan

Grade 3 Sample Education Plan

Grade 4 Sample Education Plan

Grade 5 Sample Education Plan

Grade 6 Sample Education Plan

Grade 7 Sample Education Plan

Grade 8 Sample Education Plan

Grade 8 Shared Responsibility Sample Education Plan

Grade 9 Sample Education Plan

Please see the High School page for Grade 10 to 12 plans

Free Alberta Education Grade-Specific Curriculum

Home Education Boards do not supply curriculum. Parents and caregivers must procur their own resources and activites and may choose to use whatever form of curriculum they want, whether books, workbooks, games, videos, kits or field trips.

Purchase curriculum if you are going to use it. Many unschoolers do not use prescribed curriculum. A library card and internet access is all you really need to start the homeschooling year until you discover how your child learns best (through workbooks, or hands-on kits, videos, field trips, etc.) Many children, especially in the younger grades dislike workbooks and textbooks, but if you need to purchase them, be sure to check with your school board first because they can order them for you with a discount applied.

There are no grades 1-3 in ADLC and Solaro resources because those grades are primarily focussed on children-learning-to-read, so that children can read-to-learn in grades 4 to 9. In the classroom, teachers have little choice but to teach kids through textbooks and workbooks because they have to deliver content to a large number of children. At home, you don't have to use workbooks and textbooks, because you are only teaching a small number of children. You can use hands-on activities, fun games and movies. If your child is in grades 1-3, you can spend the time at home cuddled up and reading with them. Let them learn through play activities. A variety of books is available at the local library. In addition to reading a varity of books, you can help your child with math concepts by baking, cooking, and discussing how counting works. Check out the "Curriculum Summaries" under the website tab of Resources to know what your child will cover in Math and English Language Arts in grades 1-3.

Here are some easy-to-read targets so you can customize activities:

Just check off the boxes when you observe your child has mastered these outcomes.

Grade 1-Entire APS Outcomes

Grade 2-Entire APS Outcomes

Grade 3-Entire APS Outcomes

ADLC - Alberta Distance Learning Centre - Free Gr 4-9 Curriculum and Marking Keys

NOTE: Includes the 15 most important concepts per Alberta Education subject and grade including - math (numeracy) and English (literacy).

NOTE: Each subject is designed for a summer school 3 week preview/review course covering 1 module/concept per 5 day-week. However, each course can be stretched out for a Sept-June school year by adding 13 hours per booklet/module of additional practice. This would equate to spending 2.5 weeks on each module/concept, in order to get all 15 modules done in a school year grade. Practice worksheets can be downloaded from many sources on the internet.

NOTE: Grades 1-3 are not included as the outcomes (listed above) should be taught using experiential activities instead of worksheets. (See above checklists for what to teach.)

NOTE: Grades 4-6 Science and Social Studies should be taught using experiential activities instead of worksheets.

NOTE: Grades 10-12 is high school and curriculum/main concepts can be assessed via textbooks and The Key or Solaro.

Grade 4 Language Arts

Grade 5 Language Arts

Grade 6 Language Arts

Grade 7 Language Arts

Grade 8 Lanaguage Arts

Grade 9 Language Arts

Grade 4 Math

Grade 5 Math

Grade 6 Math

Grade 7 Math

Grade 8 Math

Grade 9 Math

Grade 7 Science

Grade 8 Science

Grade 9 Science

Grade 7 Social Studies

Grade 8 Social Studies

Grade 9 Social Studies

High School - Grades 10-12

Visit our AHA High School Page

The Key, and SNAP workbooks are excellent overviews of the concepts required in Alberta High School Courses.

The KeysSNAP workbooks

Learn Alberta Free materials for each grade and subject is available on the Learn Alberta website. These are student resources. You must get the password from your board.

Learn Alberta Free K-12 curriculum - Go to the T4T Tab

Sign up at the Calgary or Edmonton Public Library and get access to SOLARO - Online free Alberta Education courses for grades 3-12 through the Public Library System

SOLARO Alberta Education Grades 3-12 Curriculum Teaching Modules

SOLARO and The Key - Paper Books for High School Courses - Contact your school to purchase at half price.

Here is Alberta Education's suggested reading list for grades 4 to 12. Many titles are available through Kindle, Kobo and other e-book distributors. In high schools, children read 1 novel a year. Homeschoolers read 10-50 novels a year because they have the time. Reading leads to enrichment of language skills and insight needed for English Language Arts and Social Studies.

Alberta Education Grade 4-12 Recommended Reading List per grade.

Khan Academy For free math and science videos on every topic possible, visit Homeschoolers best-kept secret!

Khan Academy Math and Science Free Videos

There are also many ways to learn math without a workbook through hands-on activities. Here are some suggestions

Fun ways to learn math grades 1-8 without a workbook

If you need more paper curriculum, there are several great workbooks available at Costco, Chapters and Scholars Choice.

Curriculum Reviews

Cathy Duffy Curriculum Reviews

My Little Poppies Gameschooling Reviews

Homeschool Gameschool Reviews

Popular Curriculums for Grades 1-9


Math Makes Sense - Textbooks for "Discovery Math"

Mammoth Math


Jump Math

Absolute Value (High School)

Saxon Math

Canadian Curriculum Workbooks

Problem-Solved (High School)

The Key/Solaro (High School)

Khan Academy

English Language Arts

Spelling Workout - Modern Curriculum Press

Plaid Phonics - Modern Curriculum Press

Brave Writer

Gather Round

Essentials in Writing

Language Arts Handbook

Canadian Curriculum Workbooks

The Good and the Beautiful

Free Books for all Kindergarten, Grade 1 and 2 Students in Alberta

4 books per package!

Moira's Birthday (French Only), By Robert Munsch, AND Malaika's Costume, by Nadia Holm, AND Fast Friends, by Heather M. O'Conner AND Chaiwala! by Priti Birla Maheshwari.

Free Books

Provided by the TD Grade One Book Giveaway and The Canadian Children's Book Centre

Get yours while quantity lasts! The books are free but we need to mail them out to you at a cost of $7 for all FOUR books to cover postage, paypal fee, tape and packaging.

We also have a limited amount of French books. Please let us know if you would like the French versions.

We also accept e-transfer to: No password needed. Please give us your ship-to address.

French Resources

The Cultured Kid - Kids can learn any language at home

Centre D'appui Familial - Lending Library in Calgary

French Curriculum

French Version of "Teachers Pay Teachers"

Reproducible French Teaching Materials-workbooks and textbooks

French Teaching Materials

Complete Canadian Curriculum French Resources

Youth Zone from Radio Canada

French Jump Math

French Smart Workbooks

Oniva from CBC

ACFA Summer Programs and Daycamps Calgary

ACFA Summer Programs and Daycamps Edmonton

Free Downloadable Articles and Activities

Free Math Curriculum

ZigZag French Curriculum and Resources

The Point in Okotoks: A homeschool hub that Provids classes in French language

Line Valliere French Classes and Tutoring

Nick Debrey French Classes and Tutoring

AHA Learning French Resources

Also French versions of the free books above from TD Bank and the Canadian Children's Book Centre! Order above.

Reference Documents

Alberta Education Online Learning Guides for Families and School Authorities 2019

Alberta Education Home Education Reimbursement Standards 2020

Home Education Regulations Written in Lay Person's Language

Government Home Education Handbook

Home Education Regulations 2019

Government Funding Manual

Alberta Education Guide To Education

Government Education Act Proclaimed Dec 2019

Each student receives a minimum of $901.00 per year in reimbursement funding for their home education program as below:

Home Education Funding Reimbursement Rules

As per Alberta Education's directive, no student receives any funding or benefit on a school program as below:

Teacher-Directed, On-line, Paper-based Funding Rules

teacher-directed funding

PCE - Home education is a distinction of "authority" and not "location"

Activities and Events (see also Support Groups)

Join the main Alberta Homeschooling facebook group for tips, field trips and support

SHINE Society for the Homeschool Network of Edmonton

Calgary and Area Activities and Events Group

Edmonton and Area Activities and Events Group

Jim McGinn's Calgary Homeschooling Resources Site


Become a Premium Member of AHA for $20/year and get Customized Consultations

Robyn Robertson's Podcasts with Alberta Homeschooling Experts

Professional Parenting and Education, Judy Arnall, Calgary, Unschooling, High School Self-Design for Diploma Education consulting and Planning.

Natural Capacity Counseling, Donna Vanderlip, BC. Learning strategist and education consulting.

The Inspired Teacher, Tara Fry, Calgary. Tutoring, essay marking, diploma prep.

Line Vallieres French Classes for Children and Adults Calgary

Home Education Supports for Children With Special Needs

Home Education Supports for Children With Special Needs

Alberta Homeschooling Association has been asking the Alberta Government for funding and supports for children with special needs since our inception in 2018. This year, the government listened and is providing supports for children regardless of how they are educated. These supports are being coordinated by AISCA for all home education children whether they are notified with public, Catholic, independent or just with the Notification-only government option.

AISCA is providing two subcontractors to deliver services:

Contact Help From AISCA

Khan Communications provides assessments and resources

Learning Resources for Children With Special Needs

Learning Apps for Children with Special Needs


Tutors List

Exam Proctors

Exam Proctors List

Freelance Co-op Teachers

Co-op Freelance Teachers for Hire

Home Education Supportive Medical Professionals

Medical Professionals

Store Discounts

Current List of Store Discounts

Graduation Providers

Graduation Providers and Supplies

How-To Homeschool in Alberta Books/Webinars

The Happy Homeschooling Handbook - Alberta Edition

Alberta Happy Homeschooling Handbook

Considering homeschooling your child? Yes, you can! This 120 page book contains everything you need to homeschool in Alberta.

NEW! Includes a package of either grade 1-9 sample home education plans and/or grade 10-12 course proposal/summary templates

Credible information, regulations, responsibilities, how-to, tips and a whole lot of encouragement. You got this!

"An incredible, helpful resource! My husband loved it."- A Happy Reader

All net proceeds go to the Alberta Homeschooling Association to cover costs and keep our membership free!

See the Table of Contents

"I would encourage it as "required reading" for all families new to homeschooling. It was so amazingly informative and answers 99% of the questions that pop up on this site. Very well written, the best money I've spent in a long time! Everyone even considering homeschooling should own a copy." - Homeschooling Parent

Print Book $23.95 plus $6.00 shipping

Unschooling To University Book - An Alberta Guide to Self-Directed Education

link to Judy Arnall unschooling-to-university

Buy From Amazon U.S.

Buy From Amazon Canada

Buy local and order a signed copy direct from the author below:

Send $20.00 CDN e-transfer to author and get a signed copy and free shipping in Alberta.

Buy Unschooling To University From the Publisher

Home Education Self-Designed High School in Alberta for a Diploma Webinar

Need more detailed help and consultation?

Wondering how to home school your high school aged child? Your child can take on-line courses, classroom courses, or do Parent/self-designed high school, or even a combo of all three and still acquire a diploma. This session is not sponsored by any school authority. Register for the 90 minute webinar recording and find out everything you need to know! Presented by Judy Arnall, Homeschool parent of 4 High school graduates/Scholarship recipients and 3 who have graduated university.

This detailed session is not sponsored by any school board so we can have a frank discussion. It is provided by Professional Parenting.

Fee: $49.95 plus GST, includes 90 minute recording, course proposals and summaries, and live consultation.

Homeschooling High School

Topics covered are:

  • The future of education
  • How high school works in Alberta
  • Choices in homeschooling high school
  • How to do Parent/self designed high school course by course
  • Course descriptions
  • What is university like and what is the real scoop on homeschooling acceptance?
  • Special needs in high school
  • Brain development and motivation
  • How to access resources for Parent/self designed courses

The Alberta Homeschooling/Unschooling 4 Session Course - NEW!

For parents and caregivers

Provided by Professional Parenting

Homeschooling Parent Course

4 Sessions Thursdays September 5, 12, 19, and 26, 2024, 7 pm to 8:30 pm ish MDT

Instructor: Judy Arnall, BA, Certified Brain and Child Development Specialist, and Home Education Parent of 4 University graduates. Judy has worked in adult education for 25 years and has taught for Alberta Health Services and Continuing Education at The University of Calgary for 13 years each.

Location: Live Online Zoom. Class size limited to 10 participants to enable interaction and individual attention.

Target: New and experienced parents/caregivers and homeschoolers and unschoolers of all ages and grades.

Investment is $265 per computer plus GST, which includes the 4 Week course and all materials. Course workbook and the following reference books; Parenting With Patience, The Happy Homeschooling Handbook Or Money Smart Mom (if outside Alberta), Unschooling to University, and Attachment Parenting Tips Raising Toddlers to Teens will be mailed out upon registration. Recordings of missed sessions will be provided.

All sessions are flexible to meet the customized needs of the class participants

Session One - How Home Education differs from School Education and how The Parent/Caregiver Role changes. Benefits of Home Education.

Session Two - The Mechanics of Brain Development and How Children Learn at Different Ages and Stages.

Session Three - The Impact of Personality, Temperament, Learning Styles, Neurodiversity, and Multiple Intelligences on Learning. Direct Instruction or Self-Directed Learning.

Session Four - Setting Up for Success. The Learning Environment: curriculum or no-curriculum. Behaviour Guidance. Screen Time. Handling Multiple Grades.

Come join our sessions and feel more confident and competent in educating your child. You got this!

AHA Considering Home Education 101 Various evenings at 7 pm

Come join us for an extensive session on understanding how home education works in Alberta.

There will be lots of time for a Q and A session on this most popular webinar of the year!

Presented by Judy Arnall

Considering home education

Sign up Here!

AHA Self-Designed Home Education High School Various evenings at 7 PM

Come join us for an extensive session on understanding how home education high school works in Alberta. Online is not the only "at-home" option for high school! Yes, your child can most certainly earn a government diploma and/or credits on home education. Plus, its personalized and meaningful!

There will be lots of time for a Q and A session on this most interesting way to do high school and gain admissions to post-secondary schools.

Presented by Judy Arnall and Golda David

high school home education alberta

Sign up Here!

Come Join Our Coffee and Conversation Online Facilitated Support Group *NEW!* Various evenings at 7 pm

Come join us for an enjoyable evening sharing tips, information, support, strategies and friendship!

Coffee and Conversation Support Group

Sign up Here!

UCA Unschooling Info Session Various evenings at 7 pm

Come join us for a quick overview of "Unschooling" in Canada and an extensive "learner-centred" Q and A session over zoom!

Unschooling is where children direct their learning and curiosity becomes the curriculum. No motivation problems ever! Parents and children love learning when it is consensual and personalized.

unschooling questions and answers

Sign Up Here!

World Wide Curriculum

Gibb Academy Online Alberta Math Courses

Giant List of Online Free Activities

Free video help in math, science and more from Khanacademy organization

Homeschool Buyers Co-op

Canadian Homeschooling Purchase Facebook Group

CHER Canadian Home Education Resources

Secular Alberta Homeschooling Curriculum Sale

Tools For Schools

Kids Source

Math-U-See Canada

Education Station, Edmonton

Kids Books 4 Less

Scholars Choice

Mastermind Toys and Educational Items

Wintergreen Learning Materials

Science Is

Western Campus Resources - Alberta Education High School Textbooks

Spectrum Educational Supplies

Goodheart-Wilcox GW Publishers

Drawn To Books

Nelson Canada Textbooks

Pearson Canada Textbooks

Scholastic Education

HSC Learning Resources

Jump Math

Learning Adventures Toys and Games

Boreal Science

Schoolio Canadian Workbooks

Canadian curriculum for grades 1-12

Excell Easy - Free Ways to Learn Excell

Gameschooling with Gameschool Academy

Board Game Geek

Alberta Educational Services

Heartbeat Theatre - a childrens theatre touring company.

The Grand Math Connection - Alberta based math curriculum help for High School and especially Math 30-1 and 30-2

Studopia - An Alberta based tutoring and curriculum help

Line Vallieres French Classes for Children and Adults Calgary

Classes to Teach Children Entrepreneurial Skills

Learning Disabilities Association of Alberta

dancED Movement Project

Quest Theatre

Trickster Theatre

Puppet Tree House

Young Engineers

Voices Into Action

Imagination Academy (Art)

WorldStrides Educational Travel and Experiences

Rooney and Punyi Productions

YMCA Youth Exchanges

Theatre Alberta

Money Mentors

CFEE - Canadian Foundation for Economic Education

Scholarships for Home Education

Alberta Scholarships and Career Planning

Alexander Rutherford Scholarship for all Alberta Students

Alberta Education Resource Departments

Alberta Education Government Homeschooling Phone 780-427-6272

Richard Arnold, Finance and Reimbursements

Nathan Freed, Field Services Executive Director

James Johnson, Chief of Staff

Lora Pillipow, Deputy Education Minister

Honourable Demetrio Nicolaides, Education Minister

Webinars Recorded

Please click on the Support Page here


Canadian Home Education Online Conference

National Home Education Conference - September

Inspired Calgary - September

Wisdom High School Conference - November

Canadian Free Online Homeschool Conference - February

Western Canadian Catholic Homeschool Conference - March

AHEA Homeschool Conference - April


Parents for Choice in Education

Alberta Independent Schools and Colleges Association

Unschooling Canada Association

Alliance of Self-Directed Education

Home School Legal Defense Canada - Faith Based Lobby Group

Canadian Websites

Unschooling Canada Association Facebook Support Group

Unschooling Canada Association Facebook Page

Beatrice Ekwa Ekoko's Blog "Radio Free School"

Jan Hunt's Website "The Natural Child Project"

Pam Laricchia's Blog "Living Joyfully"

Wendy Priesnitz' Blog "Life Learning"

Carlo Ricci's Blog "Journal of Unschooling and Alternative Learning"

Judy Arnall's Blog "Unschooling To University"

Facebook - Indigenous Homeschoolers

Tip Sheets on Homeschooling

Why Would I Consider Home Education?

Home Education Myths

10 Worries of New Home Educators

8 Parenting and Education Myths Not Backed by Research

Homeschooling Advantages and Disadvantages

Does Your Parenting Style Match Your Homeschooling Style?

How Does an Unschooler change a Light Bulb? A Day in the Life of an Unschooler

Tips for Applying to Colleges, Universities and Tech Schools

Setting Up Your Home for Success

Ten Things to Know About Unschooling

What about Socialization?

Is Minecraft Educational?

Video Game Benefits

Unschooling and STEM Careers

Homeschooling Glossary of Terms

Why you should take your children out of public school, by Brent Kreuger

Ways to Learn Math Without a Workbook

The Back-to-School Schedule When You Unschool

10 Reasons to Get the Degree (or Diploma or Certificate)

Screen Time Mitigates Summer Learning Loss

Self-Directed Education Alliance Article: Unschooling 101

Are All-inclusive Vacations Educational? You bet!

The "Back to School" Schedule When You Unschool

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