Contact Us

Alberta Homeschooling Association
P.O. Box 9416, Stn A
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T2J 2L8
Journalists and Reporters: Contact Golda David, President AHA
Journalists and Reporters: Contact Judy Arnall, Past-President AHA
Parents Needing Help: Contact Cynthia, Director AHA
Home Education Regulation Inquiries, Please Contact Alberta Education, Feild Services at 780-427-6272
Our Board
Our volunteer association board consists of 5 members situated throughout Alberta in Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Grande Prairie, and Calgary. We are still looking for a member to represent Edmonton.
Golda David, President

I'm Golda and I have been homeschooling my 13 year old son for the past 4 and a half years. I am formerly a high school teacher and school principal and have been serving as a facilitator in Alberta for the past 4 years. After working in the school system and then seeing kids come out of the school system, I have come to believe that it is often in a child's best interest to be home educated. My son went from hating everything related to learning to embracing new ideas and concepts that he gets interested in, especially when we moved away from the 'schooly' approach to learning. I am delighted to serve on the AHA board in order to bring a northern Alberta perspective as those of us in the north do not always have access to events, activities, and group things like they do in southern Alberta.
Judy Arnall, Past-President, Treasurer and Founder

Judy Arnall, BA, CCFE, DTM, is a certified child development specialist, keynote speaker, and master of non-punitive parenting and education practices. She is the bestselling author of 5 print books translated into 5 languages including Unschooling To University: Relationships matter most in a world crammed with content. She currently teaches parenting at the University of Calgary, Continuing Education, and various other health organizations and is a regular on Alberta Prime Time Lifestyle Panel. She is certified in the Palix Foundation's Brain Story and ZeroToThree's The Growing Brain and taught for Alberta Health Services for 13 years in addition of developing the curriculum for the Terrific Toddlers course. Judy never thought she would home educate her 5 children to high school, but they insisted and after 23 years of home educating, she is now the proud parent of 4 university graduates so far. Judy's math expertise ends at grade 8.
Cynthia Fehr, Director

I'm Cynthia, a wife of 21 years and mom to 2 teenage sons. We started home education in 2015 while living in New Brunswick. It gave us the flexibility to explore the eastern provinces and spend time together as a family. After living back on the prairies and the boys starting public school in the fall of 2015 they continued until Christmas of 2016, then begged us to stay home. We have been student-led ever since.
The anxiety in our home decreased dramatically and the love of learning increased. The boys have built computers, worked on vehicles, cook regularly, learn finances and investment knowledge from our family finances (basically one income) and sleep till they wake up. We LOVE getting to choose the days and weeks that we want to have.
Krista Jorgensen, Secretary

Krista Jorgensen, BA, MISt, is a former librarian who started out as a reluctant home educator but quickly embraced home educating her two children. She moved across the country with her family while homeschooling. Her family follows an eclectic child-led philosophy of education where the children choose what they would like to learn. She has been a home educator for five years.
Brittany Sloan, Director

Brittany is a homeschooling mom dedicated to providing excellent experiences for her children.