
NEW! The Home Education Professional Development Information Class
For: School board staff, Teachers, Home Education Facilitators, Principals, Healthcare professionals, Justice staff and Government employees.
Provided by Alberta Homeschooling Association

Home education is not school-brought-into-the-home. It is an evidence-based education choice with unique characteristics in methodology, resources, assessment, regulations and most importantly, it involves the love relationship between a parent/caregiver and a child. There are many myths circulating about home education, spurred by uninformed opinion and biases, even though home education is the fastest growing alternative, educational choice. As a professional who may work with families that home educate, be informed and updated.
This session provides an overview of home education in Alberta. Intended for education, healthcare, justice and government professionals, it informs the participant about the rights and responsibilities of parents, teachers and school boards when partnered together in a Home Education Program regulated by Alberta Education.
Topics will include:
- Why do Parents Choose Home Education
- Useful Terminology
- Evidence for Home Education
- History of Home Education
- The Notification Process for Three Programs: Supported, Unsupported, and Shared Responsibility
- The Two Assessment Facilitator Visits
- The SOLO and APS Outcomes
- The Home Education Plan
- Curriculum Choices
- Funding Regulations
- Pathways to a Diploma and Post-Secondary Education
- Home Education Styles, Methodology and Philosophies Including Unschooling
- Unique Characteristics of Learning in the Home that is Different from the Classroom
- Home Education High School Choices
Provided by Alberta Homeschooling Association, Past-President, Judy Arnall, BA, DTM, CCFE (Certified Canadian Family Life Educator) and Brain Story Certified
90 Minute Synchronous Online Class includes Q and A
Completion certificates, receipts and website badges available
Investment: $49 to $149 per person depending on size/format of class
$149.00 per person for individual recorded session. Includes emailed Q and A or zoom consulting session.
$109.00 per person for a group of 2-5 participants for synchronous class
$ 99.00 per person for a group of 6-10 participants for synchronous class
$ 49.00 per person for a group of 11-100 participants for synchronous class
We accept Paypal, e-transfer, cheque or Electronic Payment Transfer.
Email Judy Arnall to Schedule, Register and More Information
The Alberta Homeschooling/Unschooling 4 Session Course - NEW!
4 Sessions Thursdays Sept 5,12,19, and 26, 2024, 7 pm to 8:30 pm ish MDT
For parents and caregivers
Provided by Professional Parenting

Instructor: Judy Arnall, BA, Certified Brain and Child Development Specialist, and Home Education Parent of 4 University graduates. Judy has worked in adult education for 25 years and has taught for Alberta Health Services and Continuing Education at The University of Calgary for 13 years each.
Location: Live Online Zoom. Class size limited to 10 participants to enable interaction and individual attention.
Target: New and experienced parents/caregivers and homeschoolers and unschoolers of all ages and grades.
Investment is $265 per computer plus GST, which includes the 4 Week course and all materials. Course workbook and the following reference books; Parenting With Patience, The Happy Homeschooling Handbook Or Money Smart Mom (if outside Alberta), Unschooling to University, and Attachment Parenting Tips Raising Toddlers to Teens will be mailed out upon registration. Recordings of missed sessions will be provided.
All sessions are flexible to meet the customized needs of the class participants
Session One - How Home Education differs from School Education and how The Parent/Caregiver Role changes. Benefits of Home Education.
Session Two - The Mechanics of Brain Development and How Children Learn at Different Ages and Stages.
Session Three - The Impact of Personality, Temperament, Learning Styles, Neurodiversity, and Multiple Intelligences on Learning. Direct Instruction or Self-Directed Learning.
Session Four - Setting Up for Success. The Learning Environment: curriculum or no-curriculum. Behaviour Guidance. Screen Time. Handling Multiple Grades.
Come join our sessions and feel more confident and competent in educating your child. You got this!
Previous Events
AHA - Child has hit a wall? How to Salvage the Year
Sunday September 15, 2024, 3 PM MDT - Afternoon
This Q and A session will answer all your questions. September is a time that many students hit a wall. If your child is refusing school and the learning environment is not a good fit, there are still ways to progress through the year.
High School Students welcome.
Presented by Judy Arnall

AHA - Rock Your Kindergarten Program
Wednesday Sept 18, 2024, 8 PM MDT
In this webinar, learn about the many hands-on ways that children can learn pre-math, pre-reading and basic social skills, while maintaining the fun and play of young childhood. We will compare what Kindergarten looks like in the classroom versus Home Education. Bring your questions! We have answers!
Presented by Judy Arnall

AHA - Child has hit a wall? How to Salvage the Year
Sunday September 15, 2024, 3 PM MDT - Afternoon
This Q and A session will answer all your questions. September is a time that many students hit a wall. If your child is refusing school and the learning environment is not a good fit, there are still ways to progress through the year.
High School Students welcome.
Presented by Judy Arnall

AHA Coffee and Conversation Online Facilitated Support Group
Thursday October 10, 2024, 7 PM MDT
Come join us for an enjoyable evening sharing tips, information, support, strategies and friendship!
AHA - All About Unschooling - Panel Discussion
March 11, 2024, 7 PM MDT
In this webinar, learn about the home education delivery method called unschooling, where children self-direct their learning based on their interests and curiosity. Bring your questions! We have answers!
Panel by Golda David, Cynthia Fehr, Judy Arnall and Krista Jorgensen

AHA - What to Expect During Spring Facilitator Visits
March 27, 2024, 7 PM MDT
In this webinar, discover the joy of meeting with your facilitator and find out all the ways they can support you and your child's journey into home education success.
Presented by Krista Jorgensen and Cynthia Fehr

AHA - Applied Math in Everyday Life
April 10, 2024, 7 PM MDT
In this webinar, learn about the many hands-on ways that children can learn math and when best to introduce math on paper. Bring your questions! We have answers!
Presented by Judy Arnall

UCA Unschooling Info Session
Thursday November 23, 2023, 6 PM MST 8 PM EST
Come join us for a quick overview of "Unschooling" in Canada and an extensive "learner-centred" Q and A session over zoom!
Unschooling is where children direct their learning and curiosity becomes the curriculum. No motivation problems ever! Parents and children love learning when it is consensual and personalized.

AHA - Help! My Child Won't Listen and Can't Do the Work! Tips and tricks to gain engagement.
Wednesday November 29, 2023, 7 PM MDT
In this webinar we will discuss when children "listen" and when they "comply" with tasks that we have asked them to do. We will discuss tips and tricks that parents can use keep kids engaged in learning and make learning fun. Q and A for all participants.
Presented by Judy Arnall
Judy is a veteran unschooling mom of five adult children whom she has had the proud experience of attending four university convocations so far. She will teach with anything except worksheets and seat work!

AHA - Homeschooling a Child With Special Needs
Wednesday November 15, 2023, 7 PM MDT
In this webinar we will discuss what parents/guardians can do to plan a schedule that works for the whole family. We will generate ways that parents can keep kids engaged in learning and discuss what supports are available for home education. Q and A for all participants.
Presented by Cynthia Fehr
Cynthia is a veteran homeschooling mom of two almost adult children.

AHA - Help! My Kids Do Not Read Yet!
Wednesday October 18, 2023, 7 PM MDT
In this webinar we will discuss what parents/guardians may notice as their children are learning to read and provide some tips and suggestions for helping their child get started with reading.
Presented by Krista Jorgensen
Krista is a homeschooling mom of two kids who both now are avid readers. One didn't start reading until grade 4 and now won't put her books down. The other child picked up a book at age 3 and to her great surprise, she read it to her Mom. At the time Krista didn't know her child could read. Krista has a masters degree in information studies and worked as a librarian in public libraries before taking a break from work to homeschool her children.

AHA Homeschooling 101
Wednesday September 13, 2023, 7 PM MDT
Come join us for an extensive session on understanding how home education works in Alberta.
There will be lots of time for a Q and A session on this most popular webinar of the year!
Presented by Judy Arnall

AHA Self-Designed Home Education High School
Tuesday September 12, 2023, 7 PM MDT
Come join us for an extensive session on understanding how home education high school works in Alberta. Online is not the only "at-home" option for high school! Yes, your child can most certainly earn a government diploma and/or credits on home education. Plus, its personalized and meaningful!
There will be lots of time for a Q and A session on this most interesting way to do high school and gain admissions to post-secondary schools.
Presented by Judy Arnall and Golda David

Parenting Tips Webinar: Sibling Rivalry Remedies
Thursday May 18, 2023, 7 PM MDT, 9 PM EDT No Fee, Zoom Presentation

Discover when children learn self-control and begin listening. Learn 3 easy steps to remain calm and help our children get calm through times of chaos and conflict. Q and A
Parenting Tip Webinar: Gentle Discipline
Feb 12, 2024, 6 PM MST, 8 PM EST No Fee, Zoom Presentation

Discover when children learn self-control and begin listening. Learn 3 easy steps to remain calm and help our children get calm through times of chaos and conflict. Distinguish between discipline and punishment, and be able to use 10 age-appropriate tools for gentle and respectful discipline that teaches kids rather than punishes kids. Q and A included
Presented by Judy Arnall, Parenting Consultant with Professional Parenting Canada
Parenting Professional Development Webinar: The Good News Science on Screen Time
Wednesday March 26, 2025 7 PM MDT Zoom

In this webinar, we will...
Discover the brain science of when children learn self-control and can begin modulating their own screen time use.
Identify the current research on how addictions manifest and why excessive screen time will not lead to addictive behaviour in warm and nurturing families.
List the many ways how parents can help scaffold healthy screen time and and healthy gamer habits including a non-punitive family phone contract.
Distinguish between punishment and problem-solving and become aware of how punishment hurts the parent-child relationship needed to keep kids safe online.
Practice the 6-step problem-solving method for resolving contentious family screen time issues.
We will also cover the many benefits of screen time.
This webinar is based on current brain research.Presented by Judy Arnall, Parenting Consultant with Professional Parenting Canada and mom of five healthy gamers.
AHA 3rd Annual Conference Speaker Day 2021

Free presentations. Recordings available for Premium Members
April 28, 2021
Judy Arnall 8 am Best Education Methods for Each Age Group
Judy's Website: Unschooling To University
Judy is a certified brain and child development specialist and master of non-punitive parenting and education practices. She is the bestselling author of 5 print books and parent of 5 unschooled children.
Cynthia Fehr 9:30 am Connection Without Compliance

Cynthia's Website: Calm Raging Waters
Monica Truong 11:00 AM The Calgary Centre for Self-Directed Education
Learn about a new initiative to establish a self-directed learning school
Talitha Humphrey 12:15 PM The Basics and Benefits of a RESP

Talitha's Website: Primerica RESP
A discussion to simplify the Registered Education Savings Plan
Robyn Robertson 1 PM Can We Unschool?

Robyn's Website: Honey, I'm Homeschooling the Kids!
Are you curious about unschooling but just not sure where to begin or what to do? Join me as we explore unschooling, what it looks like and why our family chose this path.
Golda David 2:30 PM Planning for a Successful Fall

Golda's Website: Demystifying Education
Teresa Wiedrick 4:00 PM Nurture You, Homeschool Mama, So You Can Nurture Your Homeschool Kids

Teresa's Website: Capturing the Charmed Life
Teresa encourages homeschool families to do this homeschool thing with confidence, clarity, and vision. She is keenly aware of the intensity and demanding nature of this lifestyle as she has been doing it for fifteen years with four kids. She is also an author, podcaster, and encourager: inspiring homeschool mamas to nurture themselves while they nurture their homeschool kids.
Online School Board Meet and Greet 2021

Please visit the School Board tab for these amazing presentations
Southern Alberta Library Sessions
Medicine Hat Library, (Homeschooling and Unschooling 101) February 20, 2020, 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Okotoks Library, (Homeschooling 101) January 22, 2019, 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Sage Hill Calgary Library, (Homeschooling 101) January 24, 2019, 6:00 - 7:30 pm
Didsbury Library, (Homeschooling 101) February 27, 2019, 6:30 - 8 pm
Bowness Library, (Unschooling 101) April 22, 2019, 6:30 - 8 pm
Strathmore Library, (Unschooling 101) May 22, 2019, 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Country Hills Calgary Library, (Homeschooling 101) May 16, 2019, 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Fish Creek Calgary Library, (Homeschooling 101) May 14, 2019, 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Central Calgary Library, (Homeschooling 101) June 3rd, 2019, 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Fort Macleod Library, (Homeschooling 101) August 19, 2019, 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Calgary Islamic Centre, August 31, 2019, 12 noon - 2 pm
Okotoks Library, (Unschooling 101) October 24, 2019, 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Crowfoot Calgary Library, (Homeschooling 101) November 2, 2019, 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
Fish Creek Calgary Library, (Homeschooling 101) November 3, 2019, 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Fish Creek Calgary Library, May 15, 2018, 7 - 8:30 pm
Signal Hill Calgary Library, June 9, 2018, 11 - 12:30 pm
Central Calgary Library, September 12, 2018, 6 - 7:30 pm
Sage Hill Calgary Library, November 24, 2018, 10:30 - Noon pm
Central Calgary Library, November 26, 2018, 10:30 - Noon pm
Shawnessey Calgary Library, November 27, 2018, 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Crossfield Library, November 28, 2018, 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Homeschooling 101 Crossfield Recording Here
Northern Alberta Library Sessions
Edmonton Library, (Homeschooling and Unschooling 101) February 27, 2020 6:00 to 8:00 pm
Fairview Library, (Unschooling 101) February 9, 2019 1:00 to 3:00 pm
Grande Prairie Library, (Homeschooling 101) TBA in November 2019
Edmonton Library, (Homeschooling 101) October 19, 2018, 2:00 to 4:00 pm
Grande Prairie Library, (Unschooling 101)October 20, 2018 1:00 to 3:00 pm
Date Time Presentation Link School Name
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